tls.test package


tls.test.test_alert module

tls.test.test_ciphersuites module

tls.test.test_hello_messages module

class tls.test.test_hello_messages.TestClientHello

Bases: object

Tests for the parsing of ClientHello messages.


ClientHello.as_bytes() returns the bytes it was created with


ClientHello.as_bytes() returns the bytes it was created with


parse_client_hello() returns an instance of ClientHello.

class tls.test.test_hello_messages.TestServerHello

Bases: object

Tests for the parsing of ServerHello messages.


ServerHello.as_bytes() returns the bytes it was created with


ServerHello.as_bytes() returns the bytes it was created with


parse_server_hello() returns an instance of ServerHello.


parse_server_hello() returns an instance of ServerHello.

tls.test.test_message module

class tls.test.test_message.TestCertificateParsing

Bases: object

Tests for parsing of Certificate messages.

class tls.test.test_message.TestCertificateRequestParsing

Bases: object

Tests for parsing of CertificateRequest messages.

class tls.test.test_message.TestHandshakeStructParsing

Bases: object

Tests for parsing of Handshake structs.

class tls.test.test_message.TestPreMasterSecretParsing

Bases: object

Tests for parsing of PreMasterSecret struct.

class tls.test.test_message.TestServerDHParamsparsing

Bases: object

Tests for parsing of ServerDHParams struct.

tls.test.test_record module

class tls.test.test_record.TestTLSCiphertextParser

Bases: object

Tests for parsing of TLSCiphertext records.


TLSCiphertext, which has attributes representing all the fields in the TLSCiphertext struct.

class tls.test.test_record.TestTLSCompressedParsing

Bases: object

Tests for parsing of TLSCompressed records.


Reject an incomplete packet


Detect insufficient data to fragment.


TLSCompressed, which has attributes representing all the fields in the TLSCompressed struct.


Raise an error when the type is not one of those defined in ContentType

class tls.test.test_record.TestTLSPlaintextParsing

Bases: object

Tests for parsing of TLSPlaintext records.


Construct a TLSPlaintext object as bytes.


Reject an incomplete packet


Detect insufficient data to fragment.


parse_tls_plaintext() returns an instance of TLSPlaintext, which has attributes representing all the fields in the TLSPlaintext struct.


Raise an error when the type is not one of those defined in ContentType

tls.test.test_utils module

class tls.test.test_utils.IntegerEnum

Bases: enum.Enum

An enum of int instances. Used as a test fixture.

class tls.test.test_utils.TestBytesAdapter

Bases: object

Tests for tls.utils.BytesAdapter.


A tls.utils.BytesAdapter that adapts a trivial construct.Construct().

test_decode_passes_value_through(bytes_adapted, value)

tls.utils.BytesAdapter._decode() decodes bytes as bytes.

test_encode_allows_bytes(bytes_adapted, byte_string)

tls.utils.BytesAdapter._encode() encodes bytes without raising an exception.

test_encode_disallows_non_bytes(bytes_adapted, non_bytes)

tls.utils.BytesAdapter._encode() raises a construct.core.AdaptationError when encoding anything that isn’t bytes.

class tls.test.test_utils.TestEnumClass

Bases: object

Tests for tls.utils.EnumClass().


A tls.utils.EnumClass() that adapts IntegerEnum‘s members to UBInt8().


tls.utils.EnumClass() encodes members of its enum according to its construct.


tls.utils.EnumClass() raises construct.adapters.MappingError when encoding something that isn’t a member of its enum.


tls.utils.EnumClass() decodes a binary sequence as members of its enum via its construct.

class tls.test.test_utils.TestEnumSwitch

Bases: object

Tests for tls.utils.EnumSwitch().


A construct.core.Struct containing an tls.utils.EnumSwitch() that switches on IntegerEnum. The struct’s value field varies depending on the value of its type and the corresponding enum member specified in the value_choices dictionary passed to the tls.utils.EnumSwitch().

test_build(UBInt8EnumMappedStruct, type_, value, encoded)

A struct that contains tls.utils.EnumSwitch() encodes its value_field according to the enum member specified in its type_field.

test_parse(UBInt8EnumMappedStruct, type_, value, encoded)

A struct that contains tls.utils.EnumSwitch() decodes its value field according to the enum member specified by its type_field.

test_round_trip(UBInt8EnumMappedStruct, type_, value, encoded)

A struct that contains tls.utils.EnumSwitch() decodes a binary sequence encoded by a struct with that same tls.utils.EnumSwitch() and vice versa.

class tls.test.test_utils.TestPrefixedBytesWithDefaultLength

Bases: object

Tests for tls.utils.PrefixedBytes() with the default construct.macros.UBInt8() length_field construct.


A trivial tls.utils.PrefixedBytes() construct with the default construct.macros.UBInt8() length field.

test_build(prefixed_bytes, bytestring, encoded)

tls.utils.PrefixedBytes() encodes bytes as a length-prefixed byte sequence.

test_parse(prefixed_bytes, bytestring, encoded)

tls.utils.PrefixedBytes() decodes a length-prefixed byte sequence as bytes.

test_round_trip(prefixed_bytes, bytestring, encoded)

tls.utils.PrefixedBytes() decodes a length-prefixed binary sequence encoded by tls.utils.PrefixedBytes() and vice versa.

class tls.test.test_utils.TestPrefixedBytesWithOverriddenLength

Bases: object

Tests for tls.utils.PrefixedBytes() with a user-supplied length_field construct.

test_build(bytestring, encoded, length_field)

tls.utils.PrefixedBytes() uses the supplied length_field to encode bytes as a length-prefix binary sequence.

test_parse(bytestring, encoded, length_field)

tls.utils.PrefixedBytes() decodes a length-prefixed binary sequence into bytes according to the supplied length_field.

test_round_trip(bytestring, encoded, length_field)

tls.utils.PrefixedBytes() decodes a length-prefixed binary sequence encoded by tls.utils.PrefixedBytes() when the two share a length_field and vice versa.

class tls.test.test_utils.TestTLSPrefixedArray

Bases: object

Tests for tls.utils.TLSPrefixedArray().

test_build(tls_array, ints, uint8_encoded)

A tls.utils.TLSPrefixedArray() specialized on a given construct.Construct() encodes a sequence of objects as a 16-bit length followed by each object as encoded by that construct.

test_parse(tls_array, ints, uint8_encoded)

A tls.utils.TLSPrefixedArray() specialized on a given construct.Construct() decodes a binary sequence, prefixed by its 16-bit length, as a list of objects decoded by that construct.

test_round_trip(tls_array, ints, uint8_encoded)

A tls.utils.TLSPrefixedArray() decodes a length-prefixed binary sequence encoded by a tls.utils.TLSPrefixedArray() specialized on the same construct and vice versa.


A tls.utils.TLSPrefixedArray() of construct.macros.UBInt8().

class tls.test.test_utils.UnicodeEnum

Bases: enum.Enum

An enum of str (or unicode) instances. Used as a test fixture.

Module contents